Thursday, October 8, 2009

Photography is my life..

So I'm not sure if anybody has realized this by now.. but I love taking pictures. And doing makeup. So, I try to combine those two things into the most amazing experience for me! Haha. I love to take pictures of my sister.. here's a sample.. she's fun to take pictures of.. :)

Recently I've been looking at schools for becoming a makeup artist.. surprise surprise, no schools like that in Washington or Utah! So, I looked at all the states that offer it, and I found some in California and Florida. So I'm getting more information about the schools and the courses and stuff, and then I may be moving down there! Who knows! I will keep people posted.. could be the start of an amazing adventure. Anyway, love you all! See ya. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

He's home!

So, Shaney's home! I don't know really what I was expecting to happen. Maybe I thought he would be super weird and like, geekish? I don't know. But we have had so much fun since he's been home! In just a little bit we're headed out to go take pictures, since everyone knows I love doing that. Here's a pic I took of him last night on our adventure with the dog at Marymoor dog run! He looks great! I am so excited to go take pictures with him, so as soon as I get those done I'll load them onto here or something! Hope all is well with everyone! Love you all! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I broke down..

So I broke down and decided to finally start a blog.. I'm not sure how much I'll write in it, but I'm going to try! Things have been weird lately.. I don't know how to describe it really.. I think I tend to over analyze things and come up with totally insane reasons as to why people do certain things, and I know its irritating. If it's irritating to you, just imagine how I feel!! Anyway.. maybe when it isn't so late I'll blog some more.. but for now that's my entry. I love you all! :)